Well, here is a consideration and announcement about the color that I talked about last time.
The area spot has a variety of water colors, including clear, stain and muddy.
Depending on the transparency, colors that are easy to hit and their sustainability will also vary.
In any case, the basic strategy is to start with a flashy color.
For example, if you caught fish with a gold-based color, but the attack gradually became weaker and smaller, it may last longer if you keep the gold base of another color rather than change completely the color.
Why search from flashy colors? A fish will respond to a flashy color as they move actively depending on the level of learning and the situation.
Starting with easy-to-catch fish that you can catch first, and then lure power down to catch also the fish staying in. this lure rotation is regular style.
And there are always time zone of hard time in fishing area.
However, as long as there are fish in front of you, there is always the possibility to catch it. Rotating from a flashy color to a plain color, and a lure weight from a heavy spoon to a lightweight spoon, I think that many people will raise their hands once they make a round.
actually, even if you don’t think so hard, you can catch a lot of fish if you decide on how to fish roughly.
firstly that is the range, it is Tana.
Humans always want to decide tana of the day of the day, but fish is natural to change their range in the day, and they will not be matched to the convenience of humans.
Therefore, it will explore the pond range roughly divided into three ranges.
Upper, middle and lower, these three types
And it is the speed.
Search from a faster speed, and then gradually search for with a lighter spoon.
The same goes for the color, gradually changing from a flashy color to a plain color.
It always searching for fish like this, but if I search for it all day, the fish in front of us stops responding.
Therefore, It will change the view point with lure of multiple colors using a glimpsing.
At this time, the whole color tone is bright type or the whole color tone is dark type, so a fish could memorize the atmosphere of the whole spoon, so you have to think well the using color of lures.
Even the color lineup of the Vespa series that has been lined up at the moment, you can catch quite a lot if you rote well.
Actually, I fish every day, but I’m catching a lot with Vespa rotation alone.
And this spring, new color lineups created from many years of experience will be added.
When a fish follows a spoon from top to bottom, if it is a muddy pound, the deeper the water depth, the weaker the light and the greater the turbidity, the stronger the flashy color for appeal against a fish.
If the fish tracks the spoon in the same range, the color of the line eye side on the back of the spoon will be more visible, the lure will be combination type for glimpsing, it is but not only the flashy color, but also a natural color that blends into a muddy transparency from stain water.
When a fish follows a spoon in the range from the bottom to the top, the amount of light is high even in a muddy, making it easy to identify. Therefore, when looking up from the bottom, the color scheme is such that only natural colors can be seen.
This is the completion of “Maddy Special”, a color lineup specially designed for stain water to maddy water.
For these days when snap casting are often used , the line side is no split ring and the hook is made of Van Hook. A spoon that delivers results immediately after being taken out of the package.
It will be released from 1.2g to effective for the spring season standing swim and slow retrieve.
A new legend of Vespa will restart. stay tuned!